Videos for Branded & PR Storytelling

Video Storytelling drives powerful brand engagement

We create social and press videos as well as short-form documentaries where branded story content drives audience engagement, trust and loyalty.

Great stories cut through the noise of everyday information overload. Nothing helps to differentiate brands more. Quite simply they can inspire, influence, persuade and retain memorable impact.

But they need to be simple, different and compelling. They must support brand values and hook people in and use a variety of techniques to build a brand relationship that audiences care about.

For PR, they must be very short, topical, highly shareable and have lots of ‘wow’ factor.

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The best brands are built on great video stories. Why?

  • Stories drive new business
  • They create a sense of brand direction
  • They help to differentiate your brand
  • They build trust and long-term loyalty
  • They persuade, captivate and influence
  • Stories emotionally engage and inspire
  • They are memorable and have more impact
  • As a result they create stronger product awareness and authenticity

The basis of a good story

  • Don’t try and directly sell within your story
  • Keep it simple and unique
  • Create a hero with a journey
  • Often a brand story is about your customers- where they are the “stars” and your brand is the supporting actor
  • It must create a compelling challenge – for you and your customers
  • Your story must be full of personality
  • It should be honest and believable – and have a relevant reason for being told
  • The journey often starts with a problem, seeks a solution and presents a successful outcome
  • Your audience needs to buy into your story- to feel part of it and care about the outcome
  • It’s not just about what is said, but also about the tone or voice of the story
  • Where possible, encourage your customers to tell your story – i.e., how your products have changes their lives

Every story should have a narrative arc

  • Set out the problem in the world before the story starts
  • Create a “what if” consideration- possibly considering why this might be better
  • Search for a solution with antagonists, challenges, ordeals that push back against the drive for change
  • Create a turning point
  • Climax / resolution
  • And finish with the world after the change – e.g., future rewards

Think about the everyday real-life situations that form the content for your stories

  • How many times we have failed before we got it right
  • We had to break the rules to help us make a breakthrough
  • How we decided to work with our customers to find the right solution
  • We were just on the edge of giving up when a new opportunity opened up for us
  • Topical or local stories that lead to a powerful branded intervention
  • How this affects peoples’ lives- what this means to them

Questions you must ask yourself in developing your story

  • What is the reason for the story?
  • Who is the audience?
  • Why should they care or what’s in it for them?
  • Who is the main character – and the other protagonists that are affected?
  • What title are you giving to your story- and is it attention grabbing enough?
  • What conflict/ contradiction does your story have?
  • Will your audience identify with this?
  • What emotions are your trying to evoke?
  • What personality are you injecting- does this reinforce the personality of your brand?
  • What are you going to show to support your story? Is it visual enough?
  • What information are you going to provide?
  • Is it enlightening? Educational? Inspiring? Innovative?
  • Is the resolution clear enough?
  • Will it help you rise above the crowd of fierce competition?
  • Is your story too ‘selly’?
  • Where are you going to place your story?
  • Does the story need to be refined for different platforms of communication?
  • How can your story be told with many different perspectives?
  • Can your story be broken down into sub-stories?
  • How can you add value and let others tell your story to spread to every possible connection?
  • Will your story help drive a sense of brand/ product community where your audience can participate in helping to share it other peers?

How will you communicate your story/ stories?

  • Social media
  • PR
  • Press or publication sites
  • Presentations/ events
  • Online video distribution
  • Blogging
  • Podcasts
  • Email marketing
  • Thought-leadership niche websites
  • Via influencers

The science of storytelling

  • With FACTS we use two parts of the brain… with STORIES we use multiple parts and our senses
  • Stories produce Dopamine which is connected to REWARDS
  • Stories produce Oxytocin which is connected to PLEASURE
  • Stories produce Serotonin which is connected to SENSE OF WELLBEING
  • Stories trigger neural coupling, which means that similar brain patterns happen with the storyteller and the listener